BAYADA Home Health Care began serving the residents of Cumberland County in 1999 when the first office opened its doors in Millville. Today, three BAYADA locations provide nursing, rehabilitative therapy, and personal care assistance to children, adults, and seniors throughout the county.
From nursing care at home and school to help the child with catastrophic medical needs avoid a hospital or long-term care facility and remain with family, to home health aides who ensure that the elderly grandmother living alone receives the help she needs to bathe, dress, and cook her meals…BAYADA is there. What’s more, BAYADA provides nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech language pathology to seniors recovering from a short-term illness, injury, or surgery.
The commitment to the health of Cumberland County residents is made possible thanks to over 350 nurses, therapists, home health aides, medical social workers, and speech language pathologists who care for their clients with compassion, excellence, and reliability.
All BAYADA care professionals go through comprehensive work history and criminal background checks. In addition, extensive training and orientation to each case ensure that the best care professionals are matched with each client.
Bayada Nurses
A Helping Hand Across the Region:
Bayada's commitment to the health of Cumberland County residents is made possible thanks to over 350 nurses, therapists, home health aides, medical social workers, and speech language pathologists who care for their clients with compassion, excellence, and reliability.
In addition to the comforting presence in their clients’ homes, BAYADA staff can be found throughout the county, lending their time and talent to give back to those in need. They have prepared meals for the residents of Ronald McDonald House, donated winter coats and school supplies to the Millville Success Center, and participated in the Code Blue outreach last winter through the donation of warm clothes and gear
They have also donated toys to the local Toys For Tots campaign, raised funds to support the Alzheimer’s Association, and helped in the fight against hunger through ongoing support of the Millville Food Bank. What’s more, BAYADA Nurses volunteer at local senior communities, participating in free blood pressure screenings and presenting free education seminars on topics such as Falls Prevention, Diabetes, and Congestive Heart Failure.
Representatives of Bayada Nurses receive their Economic Partnership Award - professional category - from Chamber President Larry Malone and Executive Director Earl Sherrick at May 20 event.