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Steve Harris, pastor of the Millville Community Church, was the October recipient of the Millville Chamber of Commerce’s “Outstanding Citizen” award.

“Pastor Steve Harris has come into Millville like a whirlwind and has thrown himself into some of the biggest issues plaguing the area, from homelessness to drug addiction,” said Renee Brecht, Love Where You Live Co-coordinator, and a previous recipient of the Chamber’s community service award.
“His humor is contagious, and his genuine commitment to the people of the city and his parishioners is refreshing and inspiring. Every community should be so fortunate to have a Steve Harris,” added Brecht.
A native of Millville, Harris formerly resided in Gloucester County. He received a degree in marketing and management at Gloucester County College. Harris was ordained through the Gloucester County Community Church, where he was an associate pastor.
A year ago, Harris organized the Millville Community Church, a non-denominational church, which for its first year met at the Central Baptist Church.  As with all evolving organizations the church’s needs have changed and they recently announced it will be meeting at the Glassworks Building at 1101 Wheaton Ave., beginning October 3rd.
“As a child, I attended Central Baptist Church,” recalled Harris. He also is a former Wheaton employee.
Harris, along with his wife Annamarie, Renee Brecht, and the Rev. David Ennis, a local pastor and city commissioner, have been instrumental in the organization and activities of Code Blue.
Harris explained that it is a “warming center” where the homeless are provided a hot meal and place to stay when the weather is extremely cold. The two sites used are located on Broad Street in properties of In His Presence Worship Center, whose pastor is Ennis.
“Millville has a homeless problem,” Harris said, estimating that there are some 50 people who are homeless. “We hope to add another warming center site this year.”
Harris is committed to empowering people to become involved in the community and he demonstrates his own commitment by attending City Commission meetings and being involved in “Taking Back Millville,” as well as the Adopt-a-Block program and is on the board of “M25,” the Cumberland County Code Blue organization.
Harris and his wife have three children.

Rev. Steve Harris

Words of praise for a special man:  

“Pastor Steve Harris has come into Millville like a whirlwind and has thrown himself into some of the biggest issues plaguing the area, from homelessness to drug addiction,” said Renee Brecht, Love Where You Live Co-coordinator, and a previous recipient of the Chamber’s community service award.


- Renee Brecht, Love Where You Live Co-Coordinator

October's Outstanding Citizen >> Rev. Steve Harris

Rev. Harris discusses his road to becoming a pastor in Millville and his work to help the residents of The Holly City. Click the link at left to hear his comments.

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